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Why use HTML5 for developing games with an immersive experience?

Games are arguably one of the most well-known ways for people to maintain an interaction with their mobile devices, and online connectivity has only made mobile games more popular. Users lately tend to spend lots of their time navigating the internet from the browsers using both mobile devices and desktops. The growing presence of the internet and online connectivity has made mobile and desktop games widely playable in recent times. As developers moved elsewhere from Adobe Flash Player, which once transformed the way games are played online, they’ve migrated towards using HTML 5 game development company. The language provides out-of-the-box functionalities that make games available across different types of devices and makes the gaming experience immersive.

In addition to powering most of the site’s users who are browsing, HTML5 mobile game developers allow you to develop cross-platform and cross-browser mobile apps and games. There are numerous methods to develop an HTML5 game, so for this article, we will be giving more of a broad overview of the use of HTML5 game developers. It will help you answer questions like how HTML5 can be better than native, how to start with the development process, where to go when you’re stuck, and how to monetize and distribute games.

HTML5 Games: The new kid on the block

Traditionally the role of HTML has been used essentially to define and layout the text and images on web pages. Over time, however, its role has gradually evolved to be more interactive. The new HTML5 spec advances this evolution by including definitions for numerous additional elements directed at interactivity, multimedia, and graphics. When you combine these new HTML5 elements with the faster and enhanced Javascript engines available in modern browsers, you get a set of tools perfectly suited for online game development. HTML5 game development lets you create both cross-browser and cross-platform mobile games and apps. For this reason, game app developers have now shifted their attention towards it. 

HTML5 has been a preferred language by game development companies like us and among web developers, because it offers plenty of cutting-edge innovations such as offline asset storage, audio APIs, 3D, and 2D graphics. To serve a different set of gamers, a game development company must identify the globally accepted trends and technologies for creating an immersive and ultimate gaming experience. A skilled HTML5 game developer can provide you with customized services for developing superior games with simple UI and engaging graphics. In this post, we will be looking at the advantages and benefits of game development using HTML5 along with other supporting technologies of the internet and learn why HTML5 for gaming projects is a great idea.

Benefits of developing HTML5 Game 

Not only are the HTML5 technologies ideal for creating browser-based games, but they also offer numerous advantages over proprietary options. HTML5 is an open technology, doesn’t cost anything, and technically only needs a simple text editor to write your code in. Whereas Flash and other proprietary technologies all cost the developer. Never underestimate the power of free. Flash and other proprietary technologies all cost the developer in some ways. But this certainly isn’t the only factor that a game developer would consider. Compatibility is another big advantage HTML5 has over alternatives. With HTML5, you can target a wider array of devices and gadgets without needing to individually port your game to each different platform. Here are some of the benefits of using HTML5 game developers in details:

#1 Accessibility

Gamers of today look for games that are freely available to download; apart from that, they also expect their games to be accessible from any place at their convenience. This feature becomes one of the greatest strengths of HTML5 game developers. HTML5 games can easily run on modern browsers which include Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc. This is possible as it offers cross-browser support for creating immersive games.  In addition to this, the Cache Manifest technique of HTML5 also helps the gamers to store their information in the cache without much trouble. Thus it can help in playing HTML5 games offline.

#2 Cross-Platform compatibility

HTML5 provides an attractive feature that is nothing but its compatibility across a variety of devices. This is impressive in terms of the ability to implement and the ease with which it syncs in perfectly. It has already proven its compatibility with browsers such as Firefox, Safari iOS, Google Chrome, etc. As an app developed with HTML5 runs seamlessly on different mobile operating systems, whether it is on iOS or Android, HTML5 Game Development proves to be less costly than building native apps for each OS.  Irrespective of the operating system or devices, in HTML5 games, the developers need to do coding once, and they can deploy it across platforms.

#3 App Promotion

HTML5 is a cross-platform technology, meaning you are not eliminating any audience, and this offers a huge audience for marketing your games too. HTML5 games offer higher revenue through monetization options like in-game advertisements. Developers can use the existing marketing channels and their websites for app promotion. Ads can be placed within or around the game based on user or advertiser feedback. Tweaking ads can help maximize revenue from a game. HTML5 games are easy to promote through sharing links; games can be featured on websites visited by gamers like and Therefore, HTML5 is the best option for companies with a slimmer marketing budget.

#4 Technology Stacks

Technology stack plays a crucial role when it comes to developing games using HTML5.  Cocos 2D X, Phaser, and Babylon JS are some essential frameworks used by most developers mainly for developing immersive and exclusive HTML5 games to draw gamers across the globe. Using Babylon JS we can create games for both 2D and 3D environments. Phaser helps in creating 2D games with small sizes that can run smoothly on all major platforms. Cocos 2D X helps in creating 2D games. 

The core technologies used in HTML5 for game development are Web Graphics Library and Canvas. Few leading HTML5/Javascript game engines and frameworks that are usually used apart from the mentioned ones are Construct2, pixi.js, EaselJS, Impact JS Engine, Three.JS, MELON JS, etc.

#5 Easy to Maintain and Update

HTML5 games are naturally easy to update and maintain due to their single code base. The users do not have to update the apps themselves as the new updates are automatically configured on their own. Once the updates are made, they are applied to all major platforms and devices so that the gamers can play the latest version of the game. This way, the features of the new game can be made available among all users instantly. This brings us to another similar advantage of Html5 games; the developers are not required to re-submit their apps on every app store. They can just take their games offline temporarily as the games are not installed on the devices of the users.

Build HTML5 games

From the above-mentioned benefits, it is well summarised that HTML5 offers an array of new possibilities in the sphere of game development. Logic Simplified is one of the best HTML5 mobile game development companies in India. We boast a team of developers and game designers for hire having the expertise to create innovative and immersive games. Our team understands the potential of HTML5 and creates feature-rich games both for small and large-scale businesses while keeping in mind the latest design trends. If you are interested in creating cross-platform and cross-browser games with unmatched design, features, and quality, get in touch with us or email us at  today to know more about our services.

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