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Mobile 3D Game Development and Mobile Gaming Experience

Mobile Games Market:

The mobile games industry is set to Global revenue forecast $25 Billion (2014), a 43% increase in global revenue recorded from 2013 as per Newzoo (a video game research firm).

The growth prediction in North America is 51%, Western Europe by 47% and the biggest expected growth will be Asia and China with almost 86%, with prediction of $30.3 billion revenue worldwide overtaking consoles revenue of $24.05 billion in 2015 for Mobile Game App Development Industry. With the rise of Apple and Google platforms it is predicted global revenues will top $40.9 billion by 2017 and the top platforms reaping most of the revenue.

Mobile 3D Games: Experience and Development:

Mobile gamers are experiencing a new form of immersive, realistic and interactive 3D games. Three dimensional games have opened up niche gaming diaspora, from new to experienced hands, out there trying to challenge, win or beat opponents, challengers or the AI, all within the realm of 3D world and on the move. 3D offers us the 3rd dimension or depth to bring into our games and our eternal endeavor to make our gaming experience interactive, fun, realistic and enjoyable. Let us elaborate more on mobile 3D experience and game development.

3D gaming enables more realistic gaming experiences like:

  • Realism
  • Visuals
  • Movements
  • Controls
  • Animation
  • Sound

The best and most optimized approach to develop mobile 3D games is using appropriate 3D Mobile Game engines. The Core functions typically provided by Game Engines are:

  • 3D rendering graphics
  • Physics Engine (Collision detection/response)
  • Sound
  • Scripting
  • Animation
  • AI
  • Networking
  • Streaming
  • Memory Management
  • Threading
  • Localization Support
  • Scene Graph

Let us share few Mobile Game engines that we highly recommend while developing 3D games which offer great in-build features and functions and ability to deploy in multi device platforms.

  • Unity 3D: Unity 3D game development is the best engine which supports 2D features too. Unity supports languages like C#, UnityScript and has a vast library of plugins and extensions. It is the best used, to deploy and build game in multiplatform.
  • Cocos3D: This is a 3D extension of Cocos-2D which is primarily used to develop cross-platform games using Objective-C and Xcode. It offers supported plugins (SpriteBuilder) for Android platforms. It leverages on OpenGL ES framework and can easily import models form 3D editors like: Blender, 3Ds Max or Cheetah 3D.
  • Adobe AIR: With 3D games evolving, Adobe Flash Player introduced Stage 3D API. Stage 3D offers fully hardware-accelerator architecture to render 3D visuals for desktop, browsers, IOS and Android platforms. The API enables us to use the GPU hardware acceleration for performance gains in the games. In addition, Adobe offers specialized 3D frameworks like Away3D (using Action Script 3.0), Flare3D, Alternative 3D, Minko and Maximo for the comprehensive development tools.
  • HTML5/JavaScript: Mobile 3D games development using HTML5/Javascript is also on the rise with power of WebGL JS library which renders interactive 3D graphics with excellent FPS which is best suited for browsers (web and mobile). In addition, Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5, PhoneGap and Sencha are also excellent tools/libraries available. Three.js, as the best JS library (using WEB GL), which offers easy use, high performance , well maintained and most used framework in web/mobile browser domain.
  • Unreal Engine 4: The latest unreal engine introduced, supports iOS and Android platforms and gives an opportunity to rival UNITY. It offers in-build high-performance rendering of graphics in a high-end iOS and Android devices. It hosts large tools for game development, customization and extensions. The high license pricing model limits the use of Unreal engine development to high end and large AAA title games.

The most attractive and compelling reasons why game app developers are moving to Mobile platform is user-base and scale. With Smartphone penetration which is increasing at an astonishing rate (projected to 34.2% per capita by 2017) and devices rapidly increasing in power and technology only enables us to predict huge acceleration in game industry.
With the evolving game-engines, powerful and optimized Mobile gaming phones, we see better and improved graphic games being developed worldwide. 3D games have captured the essence of Console and PC games into compact hand-held devices with the whole new 3D gaming experience.

You can reach us to:

  • learn more about the mobile game development services
  • for best optimized approach and platform to build your own 3D Game for mobiles.

And be a part of the experience.



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