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How to Start Your Own Online Card Game Business

Back in 2020, as per Statista, gaming and video made up the largest shares of the mobile content market for the year, surpassing even the increase in education-related apps usage brought about by the disruption in regular school system settings. What rose as a wave during the pandemic is today a phenomenon that refuses to ebb - the popularity of online card games

Why are card games so popular? For many of us card games carry a sentimental value, reminding us of family get-togethers and playdates from once upon a time. Nostalgia is a strong emotion to ignore and card game developers are integrating facets into the apps keeping this very psycho-social aspect in mind. For the less emotional ones, card games are charming for the critical thinking they require, promising brain work, use of strategic thinking and as a study of human behavior (or poker faces, to be precise). You can play card games from where you are, when you want and with whomever you wish to.

Mobile game development companies sensed this love the moment physical casinos became unavailable, leading to an exponential rise in the demand for online card game apps since. This demand is increasingly being met by those who started their own online card game business. Are you looking to join the bandwagon? 

10 Steps to Start Your Card Game Business

1. Begin With a Market Research

Market research is an essential step, as it helps you make informed decisions and minimizes risks in this competitive and crowded business. An in-depth research of the card gaming market entails studying the competitors as well as their audience. Learn about the prominent trends in the industry. Are the competitors using branding strategies that work for them? Who is the target audience? What do users prefer? What are the user demographics? 

By the end of this research, you will have moulded your basic game plan and identified potential customers for your own online card game business.  

2. Name the Game

What’s in a name? A lot! Keep in mind the plentitude of online card games and how the popular ones are based on similar concepts. If you want yours to stand-out from the crowd, the uniqueness of the name is a step in the right direction.  

3. Choose a Card Game Development Company

A good game development company will play a crucial role when you are starting your own card game business. You will need high-quality game software and an experienced and reliable team throughout. While there are innumerable companies to pick from, these are some of the things that you can consider when making a choice: 

  • Study the company’s portfolio and know about any recent projects which are similar to your game ideas. Read the client reviews!
  • Look for proficiency in the latest tools and technologies required for game development.
  • A stable and scalable platform that suits your game should be available.
  • Do they have an experienced UI UX design team?
  • Quality assurance with 24*7 customer support is a must. 

Experience in making real money gaming apps goes a long way in ensuring a smooth and successful game development project, and game. 

Look for a company that offers

  1. Secure payment options through gateways which support fiat and cryptocurrency transactions. 
  2. Transparent accounting where users can view the complete purchase and in-game transactions, easy deposits and withdrawals. 
  3. White label software, where each club has its own unique coin bank and design, and manages its own rake and users. 

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4. Build a Website for Your Business

Today, having a good website for your business is as much of a given as the sun rising in the East and setting in the West. A quality website which is easy to navigate, aesthetically done and true to your brand image generates trust among the players. Keep in mind that both mobile applications and websites should be compatible with all the available browsers and constantly updated and well-optimized to ensure faster loading speeds. 

5. Find out about Gaming Licenses

Card games require licenses to operate and different jurisdictions have their own legislations pertaining to the card game business. Before launching your website and game, research the necessary gaming license required to operate your card game business in the jurisdiction where you plan to launch it. Government guidelines need to be followed to legalize your card game business. 

6. Know all about Blockchain and NFTs

The fusion of blockchain technology and NFTs with traditional card games is changing the online gaming landscape forever. It is believed that in no time, crypto TCGs will dominate the online gaming landscape. Here’s how:

In traditional online card games, the players have no guarantee of the future value and security of digital cards stored in servers. With Crypto TCGs and NFT Authentication, players can truly own their digital cards as unique tokens on the blockchain. These tokens cannot be duplicated, and hence the value of rare cards increases. This leads to confidence in the long-term value of digital assets.

NFTs and blockchain technology allow cross-platform compatibility so players can easily transfer and use their digital cards across platforms and games. This seamlessness allows players to explore new games and yet preserve the value of their digital assets.

Traditional online card games are centralized hence open to hacking and data breaches. Blockchain technology offers a solution by decentralizing data storage and transaction validation, securing the system against fraud and safeguarding the digital assets of the players. 

NFT marketplaces create a secure and transparent trading atmosphere to facilitate trading, selling or buying of digital cards, thus enabling players to monetize their card collections. 

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7. Ensure a Reliable Payment Gateway Provider

Think about this - the reputation of your business rests on the payment gateway provider. Your card game business needs to steer clear of any fraud. A trusted and reputed provider will offer secure payment, a multi-currency support system, and efficient fraud detection. 

8. Brand Your Business

Solid branding need not be expensive, but it does ask for a lot of creativity and research. An effective marketing strategy boosts business success. Developing a team for your online card game business which will help enhance your brand awareness is a good idea. 

9. Check the formalities

If you’re here, you’re likely ready to hit the market! The final checklist will include essential aspects for legalization of your card game business, like liability protection, tax benefits, and legal and trademark formalities.  

10. Post-launch 

Once you launch the card game business, you will need post-launch services and support. The card game development company you chose at step 3 should offer maintenance and support, and help grow your online card game business. 

Starting a business, any business, involves planning, making key financial decisions, and completing a series of legal activities. It also requires funds and patience, in equal volumes. Remember, it all begins with a good idea. And once you have a card game app that stands out in the market as a highly creative and cost-efficient solution, with the social and viral aspects fully covered, you are more than ready for this buzzing industry. 

Launch Your Card Game with Logic Simplified

Logic Simplified is an experienced game development company with a strong portfolio of real money, real-time multiplayer games, with expertise in card game tournament and championship mode. Our card game developers are experts at game logic, offering a full deck of custom card games and ready-to-pick solutions, like Poker, Rummy, UNO, Blackjack, Solitaire and Teen Patti. Get from us highly responsive and feature-rich apps, with stunning designs, seamless 2D/3D animations and quick card swipes. Send us an email at  or contact us now to launch your dream app. 

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