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Category Archives: Machine Learning

Can machine learning help detect preventable diseases?

Far more than a hundred thousand people die every year in the US because of preventable diseases. Every disease that we can take precaution for is preventable, yet, preventable deaths account for upto 40% of nearly 90,000 deaths that happen in the US every year from the top five leading causes of deaths. What makes…
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Predictive analytics & machine learning across 5 industries

As machine learning (ML) is evolving at a fast pace now, predictive data analytics is also quickly finding a way to enter into real world applications. Predictive data analytics, as the name suggests, helps predict future outcomes based on historical and current data.  The data is first cleaned and given a structure so that it…
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Importance of data processing in AI and machine learning algorithms

Introduction Data is what that most businesses of today rely on to make critical decisions. But, is just having piles of data available at your disposal enough to be worth your salt? Naaah! The secret sauce is the way you do data processing and analysis to get structured and meaningful information so as to actually…
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AI in-game development, and how we have fared so far

AI has been a part of video games for a long time. From the rise of Super Mario to Atari’s most popular game DOTA 2, which is a popular choice for all professional players at a world stage, AI has played a significant role in their development.  What we see in video games is just…
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