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Category Archives: Casino Games

Card Games App Development Services

[mp_row] [mp_span col="12"] [row][span8][lazy_load_box effect="slidefromleft" delay="800"] [/lazy_load_box][/span8][/row][row][span8] What are Card Games? Ninth Century China saw the first reference of Playing cards which survived (in four suits) in various local, cultural, regional variation till a 52 cards traditional deck enabled creation of countless no. of playing card games through the medieval and modern world. Since then…
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Leaderboards and Achievements on Social casino games

Online social casino games are very popular worldwide since fans have the option to enjoy playing their favorite card games even with players sitting miles away from them. There are many features of online social casino gaming sites that give players joy of playing card games. However, leaderboards and achievements have been neglected by a…
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