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Why hire game app developers from tier 2 cities in India?

Metro cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore in India have long been great places to invest in offshoring for many sorts of businesses. But if we talk about today, tier 1 cities in India such as mentioned above are not looked as prime locations for offshoring by potential clients and investors due to saturation, high infrastructure cost, high attrition rate, choking living conditions and many more. Tier 2 cities are now increasingly becoming a safe bet for outsourcing and offshoring for various reasons that I am going to throw light on in this write-up. As we are a game development company - Logic Simplified - I am going to particularly talk about why hiring game app developers from tier 2 cities in India has become a trend in the past few years. Let’s begin then!

Why is it more fruitful to hire game app

developers from tier 2 cities in India?

Emerging  Entrepreneurs in Tier 2 Cities

Unlike before, many to-be entrepreneurs now see tier 2 cities as a more viable option to start their entrepreneurial journey. And why not, as tier 2 cities have no dearth of talent plus infrastructure support is phenomenal. High-speed Internet, seamless 24x7 power supply, transport connectivity, talented students passing out every year from reputed universities in small cities, increasing reluctance to move out to big cities for employment, and favorable working conditions in terms of legal support and company laws & regulations are some real good reasons behind why more and more entrepreneurs are establishing businesses in tier 2 cities. Sumeet Arora also saw those and other benefits of starting a business in a tier 2 city and founded Logic Simplified, a game development studio in Dehradun, India, 9 years ago. Today, the company is recognized as a reputed offshore game development studio based out of a small city making big dreams come true.

Low Infrastructure Cost

The cost of setting infrastructure in small cities is much lower than big cities. Therefore, clients save significant costs by opting for game app developers in small cities. Also, it’s easier to get a large office space due to wide availability of land at cheaper prices in small cities.  Both central and state governments are also supporting tier 2 cities to build an ecosystem for startups by offering various subsidies and tax benefits.  Many small cities have seen a rapid growth of incubators, venture capitalists and accelerators in the past few years. Like many offices in small cities, Logic Simplified also has the just right infrastructural setup for employees to work with global clients. The modern facilities include air-conditioned meeting rooms, conference rooms, video conferencing room, fully-furnished cabins, cubicles, fast Internet connectivity, 24x7 electricity, cafeteria, free space for servers, hygiene maintenance support and many more. Many state governments also offer tax benefits to businesses to set up companies in small cities and generate employment.

Low Attrition Rate

High attrition rate is one of the biggest prevalent problems of big cities. Clients who work with offshore teams in big cities and go for visits to meet them in-person, see 60% new faces every six months. The more the time, the more the new faces. On the contrary, employees from small cities enjoy working in their hometowns for a much longer time. This helps clients get their projects done at a faster rate since there is no time that goes waste in knowledge transfer to new employees. Also, when the same employees work on a project from the beginning, they tend to resolve issues faster. Small cities are known for less traffic, less pollution and less commute times, which brings the peace of mind and quality of life. As a result, employees don’t get the thought of joining and leaving often. 

Most of the game app designers and developers at Logic Simplified are local residents and many of them have been working with the company since beginning. Logic Simplified also has boomerangs who left the company for a slightly-higher package in big cities, but returned sometime later after realizing the benefits of working in a small city. The hiring criteria at Logic Simplified is strictly based on if employees are ready for a long-term association and this approach has helped us hold employees for a long haul. In fact, we have many clients who we met after they were looking for a company in a tier 2 city that has a low attrition rate and that’s how we started working with them. Employees are the biggest assets for any company and being able to retain a talented and experienced workforce helps serve our clients much better than the ones in big cities.

Low Cost of Living

Small cities like Dehradun have a low cost of living which compensates very well for higher salary packages in big cities. As a result clients get talented and experience resources at a lower cost. Also, as most employees are local residents they don’t have to bear extra expenses like paying rent which is also very low compared to big cities. However, low cost of living doesn’t mean low quality of living. Dehradun has everything like malls, hotels, well connected roads, high speed Internet access, etc. In fact, the central and state governments have started smart cities mission to lower the burden on big cities. Dehradun also comes under the smart cities mission and has quickly become an attraction for offshoring services.

Less Commute and Higher Productivity

Commuting time in small cities like Dehradun is maximum 20-25 minutes. So, employees spend less time traveling and more time working, which is directly related to higher productivity. Commuting for more than an hour to reach a destination in a big city is a tiresome task which somehow affects productivity as employees don’t get to give their 100%. Employees also feel satisfied with their personal lives as they reach their homes faster after work and spend quality time with their loved ones. This acts as a psychological driver for employees to be more productive and motivated. Specifically talking about Dehradun, the city is situated at the foothills of the Himalayas, with greenery all around and pleasant weather all the year to work. Happy employees are always the best to work with, and Dehradun plays a big part in keeping citizens happy through its climate, topography and less traffic on roads.

With this, I have covered the major reasons why to hire game app developers from tier 2 cities in India. If you’re also looking for game development services, Logic Simplified can be a great bet to make.

Why Choose Logic Simplified for Game Development?

As Logic Simplified is also situated in a small city, you can hire game designers and developers from us at market competitive rates. They cover all the areas of game development process and also provide AI and ML, IoT and AR & VR development services to meet the requirements of today’s modern games. You can count on our talented and experienced team of professionals who are passionate about video games. We are in game development outsourcing business for over 9 years now and know how exactly gaming industry works, and thus can help make your game a success. Please share your game idea or any requirement related to gaming with us by writing at, and we promise to get back to you shortly to get you started on a positive note even in these turbulent times of COVID 19.

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