TRAP FALL Adventures is a top down puzzle adventure game. It has an Indiana jones feel to it. The main gameplay area is a set size per level and works off a grid system that is surrounded by a frame that the player cannot move into except the start point and the end point.
The main objective is for the player to make a safe path through game play area from the start point to the finish point by converting the terrain tiles in between into dirt track tiles without succumbing to any of the hidden dangers (there are four danger types’ animals, boulder, spring and traps). The player must also achieve all objectives for that level before the end point is activated. If the player succumbs to any of the dangers then they lose a life the level starts again with the dangers being randomly re-generated (same as minesweeper concept however with four danger types) this way each time the player plays a game it will be different. Difficulty will be increased as the player progresses through the levels by increasing the density of randomly generated dangers in one or all of the four danger types.The game is split into 4 biomes: Jungle, Swamp, Desert and Snow. Each biome contains a set of 30 levels. On the 30th level of each Biome the player must defeat a boss to unlock the next Biome.
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Trap Fall Adventure
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Your Idea: Born April '25
3 months - The average time to launch an MVP with Logic Simplified.