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On Second Thought

This is a 2D program developed in Unity intended for use by therapists (psychologists, social workers, etc.) who are familiar with cognitive behavioral principles.

Also, parents and caregivers may avail themselves of this program to work with their child. It is strongly suggested that those who are less familiar read through

the entire program for a fundamental understandings of cognitive behavioral principles. Based largely on the theoretical work of Haron T. Beck and David Burns,

principles of thought and cognitive distortions are described in a kid friendly way. Through the use of colorful illustrations, idiomatic expressions and fun activities,

the essence of cognitive behavioral principles is readily learned. The focus of the first part of the program explains how every thought has a sequence (thought,

feeling, behavior) with a situation preceding it and a consequence following (train of thought). Each cognitive distortion as identified by David Burns (referred to

as "annoying thoughts”, for our purpose) is recognized in this program and going a step further, we have pinpointed "witty thoughts “to replace said "annoying

thoughts". This is done while keeping the fun illustrations and idiomatic expressions throughout the program. This program is design for iOS, Android and windows.

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