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Flickin Boogers

A comical representation of a couple driving on a highway. The guy is getting bore and so starts digging his nose. When he gets the booger on his finger he just flicks it out of the window. The booger flies and gets stuck on the cheek of a person passing by in his/her car.” That intrigues the character and from there the game will start. The player only is able to see the hand of the character which will come out of the window of the car to throw the booger on the cars passing by. Player would be able to control the hand movement of the character like Right and Left. The booger will fly from the window based on the timing at the click of the player the hand will flick the booger at the car passing by. Wherever the booger hits, like, Person sitting in the car, Car window, Car bonnet etc., the player will get score according to that hit only.

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