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Kickstart Your Game Idea on Kickstarter

More often than not, we hear from clients who have a brilliant game idea, want to bring it to life and have no idea what it will take. This is where we come in and help people to give shape to their ideas and plan a roadmap on how they can make their dream come true.

People generally just have idea. They have nothing beyond that, and they do not know what it might cost. So, the first step is to put their idea on a piece of paper. This is where it all starts. So, the first step in the process is where we help clients put their idea on document. Our game app developers help them create their game stories, list all the aspects of the game play. This is the first step in giving shape to their ideas.

At this point we give our clients an indication about the effort, time and cost that this game idea might take. This is a reality check. Believe me that it is always higher than what the clients have thought of and many times, the clients have never thought that it might take this much. We help people who are ready to move ahead at this point. Generally people do not have the budget ready with them. This is where our Kickstarter funding program helps them.

Kickstarter is an excellent platform to test the waters for your idea. With a very minimal investment, you get a chance to float your idea, gather supporters and get your idea funded, without losing any stakes. We help our clients create and run a Kickstarter campaign for their idea.

We need to do some basic preparation for the Kickstarter. The idea is to show potential investors what our game is about. For this, we need to develop some parts of the game. This can be a demo, some drawings, some designs, some videos, some animations, part game story etc. We help our clients develop all this. Strategy is to develop just enough material and reusable material. If the projects gets funded, we should be able to use what we made for the campaign in our game.

  1. Videos - are one of the most essential things of the campaign. People love to watch videos. Generally a campaign have one or two video. One video can be specific to game to show the game idea. This video can be an animated video showing the game screens, some animations. It can be presentation showing the assets that we have prepared. Having a background music or voiceover is definitely a plus. You need a second video as well. This is the video where you should talk about your game. We invite clients to talk about the game, we have different members of our team talk about the game in this video.
  2. Show your might : Investors want to know how strong your team is. We present our team as client's team. We add bio of different team members in the campaign. We have our team members talk about the game in the video.
  3. Story : In most cases, we already have the story of the game by now. We share excerpts of the story in the campaign to share just enough about what this game will offer, what new it will bring to the market.
  4. Goals : We help client setup base and stretch goals for the campaign. You need to know what you want to ask for and for what. We help quantify that and define that.
  5. Gifts : People will invest for some returns. So, they will need some gifts in returns. We help clients define the gifts and rewards for the investors. Our approach is to give gifts within the game application to minimize overheads. It increases your user base as well right at the time of launch. So, T-shirts are no good. But game currency is a Win-Win.
  6. Support : Your kickstarter campaign needs a support as well. For this, we also develop web pages, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and help clients maintain activity during the campaign period, attract people to the campaign.

What we take : We just do this for a very basic cost. It is generally between 2% to 10% of the total campaign base goal. We offer full support of our company and team, present ourselves as your partner, while we do not ask for any stake in the game. All we work for is the relationship where our game designers want to bring your idea to life, beyond the campaign. Feel free to get in touch with us or email at

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