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Category Archives: IoT

Technical and Infrastructural Challenges of IoT and How to Overcome them

By 2025, forecasts suggest that there will be more than 75 billion Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices in use. This would be a nearly threefold increase from the IoT installed base in 2019. Source: Statista There are countless physical devices around the world that are connected via the internet. There is interchanging of data…
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IoT Devices Risks As Compared To Other Computing Devices On A Network

IoT devices have become a new trend in Internet active products and they are now being increasingly used everywhere from cars and fridges to assembly lines for automation and monitoring. IoT sensors and devices are expected to exceed 50 billion by 2022, up from an estimated 21 billion in 2018 and the figure is good…
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What Exactly Does Developers of The Internet Of Things Do?

IoT is one of the shining innovations of the 21st century that can connect all the devices via the web. Smart Homes, driverless cars and modern offices are some primary examples of IoT success. Gartner predicted that there will be 20 billion Internet of Things devices by 2020. With an almost endless number of applications,…
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