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Category Archives: Game Designing

Level Design: Crafting Engaging Environments for Your Game

Let’s begin by understanding the concept of levels in a video game. What drives a video game, and what factors control its engagement? We know progress means advancing towards a goal through different levels. In a game, new motives, challenges, and concepts are added to the game world, while ensuring they increase the degree of…
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Importance of playtesting in game design

The game development process is a complex and challenging process involving ongoing iteration and improvement in order to develop an exciting and captivating final product. One vital approach used during game development is playtesting. It is one of the best ways to improve the game quality by focusing on real player behaviour and learning what…
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Game art vs game design: What is the difference?

Video game development is a collaborative process that involves various people with specialized skills. The two most critical roles in this process are game artists and designers. Though both roles are essential, they have distinct responsibilities and roles.  Since most of us are unaware of the process of creating a game, we usually confuse game…
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The Basic Fundamentals of Game Design

Have you ever designed a game? If yes, then what game design fundamentals do you prioritize in your own designs? No idea? Don’t worry; we’ll help you. Game design is incredibly complex and fascinating, with countless nuances and techniques to master. In their book, the authors of “Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals,” Katie Salen…
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