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Category Archives: Console Games Development

Mobile Game Development Process: A Step by Step Guide

Needless to say as we all know that mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives today. We can shop, we can hop and even get our hunger pangs off using mobile phones! There are endless things we can do with mobile phones today, but when we zero in on the most common…
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Console & Handheld Games Development

[mp_row] [mp_span col="12"] [row][span8][lazy_load_box effect="slidefromleft" delay="800"][title_box title="Console and Hand Held games" subtitle="Multiplayer & multi platform games"] [/lazy_load_box][/span8][/row][hr] What we do ? Consoles and handheld devices are extremely modest in design, convenient and versatile when compared to a gaming PC which speaks volume for its undying popularity among gamers. Console games have created a niche gaming…
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Your Idea: Born June '25

3 months - The average time to launch an MVP with Logic Simplified.
