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Category Archives: Android

Hyper-Casual Games: The Latest Addiction in Gaming

Gamers are just going batshit crazy (pardon my uhh... excitement, but I blame it on the festive season!) for a new entrant in top game charts dubbed hyper-casual games. This genre of games is highly addictive and you would concur if you have played Flappy Birds. The game is lightweight and has a short storyline,…
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Android Game Development Services

[mp_row] [mp_span col="12"] [row][span8][lazy_load_box effect="slidefromleft" delay="800"][title_box title="Android Game Development" subtitle="Phone & tablet 2D, 3d games"] [/lazy_load_box][/span8][/row][hr] Hire an Innovative Android Game Developer For: [row custom_class="blockSize"][span4][lazy_load_box effect="slidefromleft" delay="600"][service_box title="Concept Art Design" icon="no" text="Visual illustration of the game concept, art style and directions is essential for any game. Our Artist helps in creating these initial visuals, line…
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Your Idea: Born March '25

3 months - The average time to launch an MVP with Logic Simplified.
