What are Action Games
Games in Action genre are large and varied, they encompass many sub-genres like Action/Adventure, Racing/Driving, RPG, Strategy/Tactics etc. offering gamers different style of gameplay, platforms and sub-genres to choose from with majority of the challenges being physical tests of skills.
Principally, an Action game mechanics includes, but not limited to
Quick Decision
as key attributes and games can be crafted well with both 2D and 3D graphical designs. Typically Action games offer players multiple mean of attack, level progression, dynamic control, obstacles and enemies and final victory conditions.
The longevity and popularity of action genre and our experience developing games has propelled our understanding of various styles of gameplay, core game logic and expertise in developing AI (Artificial Intelligence) for single or multiplayer using Networking servers like SmartFoxserver, Red5 etc. support with well optimized game designs and rendering techniques of game assets for multiple platforms. We try to use minimum and re-usable game graphic assets.
Here are a few typical features where our action game developers hold an expertise:
- Well-crafted Protagonist or Avatar
- Level Based Progression
- Enemies or Obstacles
- Strong AI
- High-end Network Server tools
- Experts in customized bot development
- Regeneration and Health system
- Visual Presentation and Perspective
- Victory conditions
How We Do IT ?
Through our experience in providing action games development services to our global clients, we understand important challenges which need to be properly addressed to give players realistic gaming experience, like:
- Switchable and Easy Player Camera View between First Person and Third Person View
- Details Character Animation of action, reaction, pose based on the player view
- Weapon and Combat System
- Depth of view of Scene objects
We have proficiency in wide range of technologies and game engines using which we can develop any Action 2D/3D game for most platforms:
- Unity3D engine
- Flash & ActionScript 3
- OpenSpace-engine
- Cocos2D, Cocos3D with Box2D and Chipmunk
- Cocos2D, Cocos2D-X Engines with the use of Javascript & Java
- X-Code/Swift
- Objective-C,C++
- LibGDX- Cross platform game development engine to build 2D/ 3D games
- OpenGL ES 3.0/3.1