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Best HTML5 game development frameworks or engines to choose

HTML5 has been one of the most popular technologies among game development studios. It is compatible among various browsers, supports 2D and 3D graphics, multiplayer experiences, audio APIs, and provides offline asset storage. This markup language allows developers to create cross-platform and cross-browser games. It’s amazing web and mobile game engines that are used for video game creation and they make the whole game development process smooth and unproblematic by taking care of the physics, audio, animations, maps, and so much more. And, so the HTML5 game development frameworks and libraries have made game development an easygoing process. There is an HTML5 game engine that were initially developed by people to create their own game but when they realised that other HTML5 game developers could also use these to create their own games, they made the open source code available to them.

There are many game development companies that are not using Javascript anymore but have understood the enhanced graphic capabilities that come with WebGL, which is a Javascript API. An API that renders 2D and 3D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plugins. This lets developers create games that deliver engagement and entertainment and having said that, gamers play HTML5 for immersive gaming experiences. Thus, under-mentioned are 5 best HTML5 game development frameworks for every game app developer to score an ace at game development and understand why html5 is the future of global gaming business.

Phaser 2D game framework

Phaser is a free open source HTML5 game development frameworks created by Photon Storm in 2013 for developers to build interactive and entertaining video games. The good thing about this HTML5 game engine was that it worked well on both desktop and mobile browsers. This let people create games that were multiple platform friendly. It works on two technologies that is Canvas and WebGL, the former supporting multiple browsers allowing it to create in-browser graphics and when paired with WebGL (a Javascript API) one is able to create visually appealing and immersive environments for players. Why Phaser?

    • Phaser lets you build all sorts of games, even complex games and this well-designed HTML5 game engine gives the developers the access to a great library and also the code behind it.
    • Phaser’s built-in asset loader has the capability to support spritesheets, sprites loading used for animation, etc. and load images, audio files, data files, tiled maps, and javascript files. These assets are used by users to develop operational games. 
    • Phaser goes back and forth between Canvas and WebGL for fast rendering based on browser support and uses PIXI.js library for internal rendering.
    • Phaser supports the Web Audio API and other than that, it already uses Web audio and HTML5 audio and allows node-based audio support and automatically takes care of audio sprite creation, mobile device locking, looping, streaming, detuning, and more.
    • Phaser supports touch inputs that include single touch as well as multiple touch and it also supports non-touch inputs like keyboard, mouse, touch and their combinations as used on window surface devices.
  • Matter.js (a system with springs, constraints, and polygon support), Arcade Physics (a light weight AABB library for less powerful devices), and Impact Physics (a system that provides advanced title support) are the three powerful physics engines that Phaser supports. For managing everything, Phaser has a smart plugins system that allows users to perform all kinds of tasks. One can also create their own plugin and can share it with others if they like to.

Babylon.js 3D game development framework

This real-time 3D HTML5 game engine was developed by two Microsoft employees, David Catuhe and David Rousset in 2013 and later in 2015, it was finally introduced to everyone at a WebGL conference in Paris. It came to be as a simple yet powerful open game and a web rendering engine packed with countless features. Playground is one of its tools whose code is used to start the whole process. It uses a javascript library to display 3D graphics in a web browser through HTML5 and is free and completely open to all. Its source code is available on GitHub and is distributed under the Apache License 2.0.    

    • Babylon.js 4.2, the newest version brought a load of new tools and features for improved workflows and experience with its code-first approach.
    • Babylon Native is a system that is used to  build native applications while the Babylon React Native in Babylon.js 4.2 has a React Native framework that comes with the power and simplicity of Babylon.js.
    • There are many new features added to the Inspector to improve the Node Material editor which saves the developers time. Its particle editor lets you create and configure particle systems and render scenes with Physically Based Rendering (PBR) support. Other than photo realism, there is ShaderMaterial that lets developers write their own shader giving them the ability to display creativity.      
  • The newest version of Babylon.js comes with advanced reflection and refraction, real-time PBR filtering, and pre-filtering .hdr files support. Also, the render soft transparent shadows for transparent objects optimizes environment lighting and the shadows.

Kiwi.js 2D game engine

Kiwi.js was created by Chris Colbert and then was later redesigned to make it fast and easy to maintain. It is considered one of the easiest to use HTML5 game engines or game development frameworks for developing mobile and desktop games. It’s WebGL rendering and complementary game development tools work great to create interesting and entertaining games. Kiwi.js uses CocoonJS to create fast native apps and deploy games to mobile devices as native game apps on AppStore. CocoonJS and Chrome Webstore are great platforms that are used to make games for iOS, Android and Chrome apps.

    • 2D Canvas for older browsers and WebGL rendering for the latest browsers helps build fast native games.
    • It’s touch device is capable of letting developers build single touch as well as multitouch games.
  • The template of the game comprises of Kiwi.Game object and multiple states that perform different functions like preloading the assets, transformation, animation, and updating the canvas with new information.

CreateJS game framework

CreateJS is another HTML5 game development frameworks that has a suite of libraries or tools that are used to create valuable and bilateral content on the web, interactive mobile and web games using HTML5. It was created by gskinner and officially sponsored by Adobe, Microsoft, AOL, and Mozilla. There are several javascript libraries that are part of the CreateJS’s suite that are used individually or as a suite by creators, some of which are mentioned below. 

    • EaselJS for easily working and drawing on a canvas by providing an HTML5 Canvas that is rich in media and other application solutions.
    • TweenJS for animating and tweening HTML5 properties.
    • SoundJS with a simple API for working with audio on the web.
    • PreloadJS for managing and coordinating the loading of assets such as sound files, bitmaps, and more and data.
  • It allows developers to add sound, motion, asset loading, and 2D graphics to their work.

Quintus game development framework

Quintus, a course created by Pablo Farias Navarro, the founder of ZENVA. It is a modular, lean and powerful HTML5 game engine that works on desktops and various HTML5 compatible devices. It is easy to use and it has a modular engine from which a developer can pull in a module that they need to use and set up an engine.

    • It supports an event-based, component-based approach, and also an object-oriented approach.
    • Quintus provides plugins, events and also has a concise javascript-friendly syntax.
  • It has a flexible component model that makes it easier for developers to distribute its functionality into the games.

Wrap up

HTML5 Game development frameworks allow you to produce games with high-level functionality and added features. All things considered, Logic Simplified is a game development company in Dehradun that provides game development services in HTML5 and uses HTML5 game engine as per game’s and client’s requirements to create advanced games that are immersive for the players and fun too.

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