Core AI Development Services - Making AI Accessible

Using advanced AI algorithms, our AI development services enhance organisational sustainability and effectiveness. Our intelligent systems improve data management, marketing, sales, business growth and customer support.

Custom AI Software Development

Let's bring AI to your business with a personal touch. We use ML and natural language processing to fine-tune operations and improve customer connections. Interested in chatbots, predictive analytics, or image recognition? We are here to help.

Enterprise-Grade AI Services

Scaling AI within your organisation doesn’t have to be daunting. We build and integrate powerful AI frameworks tailored to the unique needs of your large enterprise, incorporating robust AI architectures and LLMOps frameworks.

Game Development

Our game development service uses advanced AI to create dynamic, responsive gaming environments that adapt to player interactions, improving realism and engagement. Our deep understanding of cognition has also allowed us to make strides in augmented and virtual reality game development.

Data Modernisation

Trust our AI development company to lay down the perfect data groundwork that supports vibrant AI-driven platforms. Our modernisation services ensure that your data ecosystem is compliant, and primed for the future.

Machine Learning Development

From predictive analytics to automated decision-making, our machine learning solutions are designed to process and learn from vast amounts of data, boosting the smart capabilities of your applications.

AI Development and Maintenance

Utilise our expertise to develop and maintain high-performance AI products that meet market demands and align with your strategic goals. Our AI development process includes safeguards against AI hallucinations, ensuring our systems perform accurately in all expected scenarios.

Data Annotation Services

Refine your AI models with our precise data annotation services. We expertly label your data, from complex images to videos, preparing it for robust machine learning applications.

Data Mining Solutions

Extract valuable insights from your data with our advanced data mining techniques. We identify patterns and trends that inform strategic decisions and improve AI model accuracy.

Computer Vision and IoT

Our computer vision services are enriched by IoT integration, facilitating real-time monitoring and analysis across connected devices. This enhances applications such as automated inspections, security systems, and smart city management.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Our NLP services specialise in analysing and interpreting human language, transforming text and speech data into actionable insights. This enables applications to understand customer inquiries, sentiment, and conversational nuances, leading to smarter automated responses and enhanced user experiences.

Advanced Chatbot Solutions

We provide AI development services that equip businesses with a virtual agent capable of analysing and responding to human behaviours, enhancing customer interactions.

Pose and Activity Recognition

Ideal for healthcare monitoring, athletic training, security surveillance, and immersive gaming, our system accurately captures and analyses human movements.

Generative AI Services

We specialise in creating AI models that automate content generation and other complex processes, enabling innovative solutions that drive industry leadership.

Reinforcement Learning

Our AI development company develops AI systems that improve decision-making processes and continuous learning from trial-and-error experiences.

Ethical AI and Governance

We’re committed to responsible AI. By embedding ethical considerations and governance right from the start, we ensure our AI development services contribute positively to society.

Explainable AI

Our AI solutions are built on transparency. We demystify the complexities of AI technologies, making it easier for everyone to understand and trust the systems.

AI at the Edge

By integrating AI with edge computing, we optimise data processing times and enhance real-time decision-making capabilities without the bandwidth overload.

Federated Learning

Our federated learning solutions emphasise privacy and data security, enabling collaborative machine learning without compromising sensitive information.

Quantum Machine Learning

We leverage quantum computing to pioneer advancements in machine learning, significantly increasing processing speed and problem-solving capabilities.

Sustainable AI

Our approach to sustainable AI involves developing energy-efficient algorithms and practices that reduce the ecological footprint of AI technologies.

Logic Simplified the responsible AI development company

Industries We Serve


Robo-trading, asset and portfolio management


Smart factories with intelligent systems


ML-driven price optimisation and marketing management

Customer Service:

Multilingual NLP for enhanced customer interactions


AI agents that adapt and learn from human players


Advanced AI-powered surveillance systems


AI solutions for smart grids in smart cities

Logistics and Transport:

ML applications for real-time decision-making


AI-driven chatbots and predictive models for travel planning


Personalised e-learning experiences
Let’s fix your business problems


  • I would seriously go to sleep every night with video game concepts vigorously dancing around my head like sugar plums during winter holidays, however, I pondered who would help me.The day after I left school I found that friend and the friend is LOGIC SIMPLIFIED! The whole ride has been smooth, pleasant and spectacular! The initial call set the tone with professionalism, open mindedness and respect for the ideas that was discussed all the way to the point of execution. I am hooked

    Michael Troutman

    Razor's Edge

  • Logic Simplified enabled me to meet deadlines for national conventions, presentations as well as in person and remote demonstrations of my program. I would wholeheartedly recommend Logic Simplified as a professional, reliable and extremely skilled company who offers a comprehensive service!

    Teresa Busto

    On Second Thought

  • They are reliable, efficient, responsive and do great work! Plainly and simply, I would use Logic Simplified over and over again, and I would recommend them to anyone!

    Tishrea Johnson

    Fashion Fun

  • Your art, implementation, ideas, answers, patience, communication, and reliability, all made it a pleasure to work with you . You made the game better than I first envisioned.

    Jeffery Goldstone

    Dookie Shoot

  • Talented artists and programmers. They clearly have a lot of experience and are able to work with ease on even the more cutting edge technologies

    Stuart Nice


  • From commercial apps to Augmented Reality apps, from Websites to Virtual Reality and even IoT cloud based projects, Logic Simplified has provided the expertise to accomplish our requirements from concept to prototype to finished products ready to launch.

    Bruce Winkler

    ONS Interactive

Our Blogs

Blog on the present and future of Artificial Intelligence in Game Development

The present and future of Artificial Intelligence in Game Development

Artificial Intelligence is most prominently observed in NPCs. It provides an opportunity to ...
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Blog on future scope of artificial intelligence on global gaming business

Future scope of artificial intelligence on global gaming business

The researchers of mobile gaming companies follow the machine learning path, where ...
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Blog on Artificial Intelligence is bringing a New Era of Smart Video Games

Artificial Intelligence is bringing a New Era of Smart Video Games

Artificial Intelligence is a science that makes a computer program or a machine capable of thinking, learning and solving problems ...
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AI can personalise customer interactions, streamline service processes, and provide predictive insights across industries, from retail to healthcare, ensuring a more satisfying and tailored customer experience.

Key challenges include data quality, integration complexities, and skill gaps. We address these by providing comprehensive data cleaning, seamless system integration solutions, and training.

Our AI development company adheres to strict ethical standards by conducting bias audits, ensuring transparency in AI decision-making processes, and engaging with diverse stakeholders to mitigate any ethical risks.

Yes, our AI development services are designed to be flexible and can be integrated with existing IT systems to enhance functionality without disrupting your current operations.

We implement advanced security protocols, conduct regular security assessments, and update our systems continuously to protect against evolving cyber threats.

The ROI varies by application but generally includes increased efficiency, reduced operational costs, and enhanced customer satisfaction. Contact us so we can provide you with a detailed analysis based on your specific use case to forecast potential returns.

Data privacy is paramount in our services. Our AI development company complies with all relevant data protection regulations, employs data anonymisation techniques, and ensures that data usage is transparent and secure.

Consulting & Free Estimates
