Shopify Design & Development Services

Beautify your site with inviting features and create an effortless shopping experience from search to checkout.

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Our Shopify Development Services

Whether you're creating a new shopping portal or migrating to or from Shopify, from platforms like WooCommerce, Magento, or Drupal, our Shopify development services ensure a swift and secure transition for your online store, guaranteeing an optimal shopping experience for your customers.

Custom Shopify Store Development

Tailored solutions from our Shopify development services to meet your unique business needs, ensuring a personalised and engaging shopping experience.

AI-powered Smart Personalisation

Enhance your customer's journey with AI-driven personalisation, improving engagement and conversion rates with our Shopify web development services.

Immersive UX/UI

Our services create a visually captivating and intuitive user experience, driving engagement and conversions for your eCommerce store.

Data Import and Export

Effortlessly manage your product, customer, and order data with our efficient importing and exporting services.

Responsive Theme Design and Customisation

Create a visually appealing and mobile-friendly online store that stands out with our Shopify web development services.

Shopify App Development and Integration

Extend the functionality of your store with custom apps and seamless integrations offered by our Shopify development services.

Shopify SEO Optimisation

Boost your store's visibility with our Shopify SEO services, driving more organic traffic and sales as part of our comprehensive Shopify web development services.

Migration Services to/from Shopify

Transition to or from Shopify with our expert migration services ensuring data integrity and minimal downtime.

Continuous Shopify Maintenance and Support

Keep your store running smoothly with our ongoing maintenance and support services, an integral part of our Shopify web development services.

Shopify service by logic simplified

Why Choose Our Shopify Development Services

Focused on Business Goals

Businesses often lose sight of their core objectives amidst the complexities of the digital world. Our services are specifically designed to keep your business focused and aligned with its primary goals, ensuring a clear path to success.

Mobile-First Approach

With most people using mobile devices for shopping, we prioritise mobile-first design, ensuring your site is optimised for the vast majority of users, enhancing their shopping experience and boosting your conversions.

Detailed Business Analysis

Most clients find it challenging to align their strategies with their business goals due to a lack of insights and actionable data. Our detailed business analysis provides the necessary clarity and valuable insights that drive strategic growth.

Customer-Centric Solutions

Many clients come to us puzzled by low online sales despite having beautiful websites. With our expertise, we identify and resolve the key issues, ultimately providing their customers with an exceptional shopping experience.

Global Delivery Model

Our Shopify development services ensure that your store is equipped to accept orders from customers anywhere in the world, handle international transactions and shipping, allowing you to reach a global audience and expand your reach.

Effortless Dropshipping Solutions

With our Shopify development services, you can access numerous dropshipping apps and integrations that streamline tasks such as product importation, supplier management, and order fulfilment automation etc.

Seamless Payment Gateway Integration

Our services ensure a smooth and secure integration of payment gateways into your Shopify store, providing your customers with a variety of convenient payment options and enhancing their checkout experience.

Site Speed & SEO Optimisation

Despite a beautiful, feature-rich website, slow speed and poor search visibility can hinder success. We optimise both your site's speed and enhance its SEO, resulting in improved performance and higher search engine rankings.

Proactive Maintenance and Ongoing Support

Keeping an online store updated and secure requires constant vigilance. Our Shopify services ensure your site remains in top condition, providing peace of mind and uninterrupted performance.

Fastest Time-to-Market Solutions

Our Shopify development solutions are tailored for rapid store launch, ensuring your swift market entry and a competitive edge, aligning with the fast-paced demands of e-commerce.


  • I would seriously go to sleep every night with video game concepts vigorously dancing around my head like sugar plums during winter holidays, however, I pondered who would help me.The day after I left school I found that friend and the friend is LOGIC SIMPLIFIED! The whole ride has been smooth, pleasant and spectacular! The initial call set the tone with professionalism, open mindedness and respect for the ideas that was discussed all the way to the point of execution. I am hooked

    Michael Troutman

    Razor's Edge

  • Logic Simplified enabled me to meet deadlines for national conventions, presentations as well as in person and remote demonstrations of my program. I would wholeheartedly recommend Logic Simplified as a professional, reliable and extremely skilled company who offers a comprehensive service!

    Dr Teresa Busto

    On Second Thought

  • They are reliable, efficient, responsive and do great work! Plainly and simply, I would use Logic Simplified over and over again, and I would recommend them to anyone!

    Tishrea Johnson

    Fashion Fun

  • Your art, implementation, ideas, answers, patience, communication, and reliability, all made it a pleasure to work with you . You made the game better than I first envisioned.

    Jeffery Goldstone

    Dookie Shoot

  • Talented artists and programmers. They clearly have a lot of experience and are able to work with ease on even the more cutting edge technologies

    Stuart Nice


  • From commercial apps to Augmented Reality apps, from Websites to Virtual Reality and even IoT cloud based projects, Logic Simplified has provided the expertise to accomplish our requirements from concept to prototype to finished products ready to launch.

    Bruce Winkler

    ONS Interactive


Answers to Your Questions About Our Shopify Development Services

Yes, we offer migration services to transition your existing store to the Shopify platform, ensuring data integrity and minimal downtime.

The development time can vary based on the complexity of the project. However, we strive to deliver high-quality solutions within a reasonable timeframe.

Yes, changes to the theme can be made even after it has been developed. You can either make these changes yourself through the Shopify theme editor or seek our assistance for more complex alterations.

Absolutely! We offer ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure your Shopify store continues to run smoothly and efficiently.

Our services enhance your store by providing customised solutions, user-centric design, advanced functionality, and SEO optimisation, ensuring a superior online shopping experience.

Yes, we can integrate custom features and functionalities into your Shopify store to meet your specific business requirements and improve user engagement.

SEO optimisation is crucial in Shopify web development as it helps improve your store's visibility in search engine results, attracting more organic traffic and potential customers.

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